REBIRTH - Supported Group Program
+ 1:1 session  
For a conscious pregnancy and powerful transition into motherhood.
Dissolve overwhelm and uncertainty into inner knowing and deep trust.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€369.00)€310.08
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x €185.00)2x €155.46

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REBIRTH Group Program + 1:1 Session€0

  • Total payment
  • 1xREBIRTH Group Program + 1:1 Session€0

All prices in EUR

This is for you if you want to: 

feel connected, anchored and calm during your pregnancy.

transform overwhelm into clarity and trust. 

 be held by a group of magical women going through this portal at the same time. 

 feel empowered to set clear boundaries and protect the energy of yourself and your baby. 

 feel spiritually connected to your baby. 

 fully surrender and soften into this magical time of your life.

remember your own strength and power as a woman to give birth.

celebrate yourself and your baby with beautiful rituals. 

 create a safe space for both you and your baby to arrive.


3 x 1,5-2h zoom calls over the course of three weeks full of wisdom and practical guidance to support you and your baby. 

1x 1:1 session with Isabelle to support you in your unique process. 

 A beautiful PDF guidebook filled with self-care rituals, journal prompts, energy rituals and more. 

Recorded meditations for pregnancy, brith and postpartum. 

A list of resources to support you further on your journey. 
